HITRAP Implementation

This page contains at least the list of produced and released executables.

HITRAP CS Releases

All Releases have a Version Major_Minor_Fix_Build.

  • CS_HITRAP_V1_0_0
    This release contains:

-- MartinVaupotits - 23 Mar 2007

I Attachment Action Size DateSorted descending Who Comment
HitrapCS_manual.pdfpdf HitrapCS_manual.pdf manage 351 K 2011-04-11 - 17:02 FedotovaS Manual for start up of the HITRAP CS
HitrapCS_manual.docdoc HitrapCS_manual.doc manage 250 K 2010-09-16 - 11:52 FedotovaS  
This topic: CSframework > WebHome > ProjectsUsingCS > HITRAPControlSystem > HTCsImplementation
Topic revision: 2011-04-11, FedotovaS
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