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Configuration of HITRAP * The used HITRAP database can be found at appc191 at D:\HTCS\database\CSDB_Hitrap.mdb * The settings for the DMSServer are on appc1...
HITRAP used CS classes device classes Class # of objects object names Prema5000 1 MyPrema QC9314E 1 MyQC9314E Main.MartinVa...
NEW - 2007-03-23 - 13:21 by MartinVaupotits
Printer List Name Location Type P1006 EX.2.012 HP LaserJet 3392 Configuration of HITRAP control system computers Name Location Function ...
This is a collection of external Interfaces and device for the HITRAP control system. * Digital Multimeter Prema 5000 * A LabVIEW intrumentent driver was...
r3 - 2007-03-09 - 13:35 by MartinVaupotits
HITRAP Implementation This page contains at least the list of produced and released executables. HITRAP CS Releases All Releases have a Version Major_Minor_Fix_B...
Das HITRAP Kontrollsystem umfasst zwei unterschiedliche Sektionen. Den Hochfrequenzlinearbeschleuniger un der HITRAP Niederenergiebereich mit Kühlerfalle, vertika...
This page contains a collection of primary requirements for the HITRP control system. * email from Main.OliverKester: Hallo Holger, im Rahmen der Zusammenarbei...
This page contains a solution proposal for the HTCsPrimaryRequirements. Motion This section will propose a solution concerning the Motion Requirements. Here are ...
HTCsSubsystems HITRAP Nomenklatur Die aktuelle Nomenklatur der HITRAP Strahllinienkomponenten findet man in den folgenden Dateien. * Nomenklatur_HiTrap_...
r3 - 2007-04-12 - 21:35 by OliverKester
Sept 13, 2006, 10.30 Room: Vorraum der Atomphysik, GSI Agenda * CS_30_intro.pdf: Introduction to CS, D. Beck * Meeting_controls_140906.pdf: Overview HITRAP...
r5 - 2006-10-23 - 13:27 by OliverKester
This is the list of meeting minutes concerning the HITRAP control system. HTCSManPowerAug2009 Thurstday, August 27, 2009 CodeReviewPart2Sept2008 ...
This is the ToDo list for the HITRAP control system. The order is random, no priorities has been added until now. * Add people the the Main.CSDeveloperGroup ...
The HITRAP logbook can be found at The logbooks are saved at \\Winfilesvg\APTR$root\ELOG\logbooks\ and the config file is saved on the hard ...
Hitrap dedicated Hardware Beckhoff BK3120 Buskoppler 1 (mounted in a 19" Rack) * Connected via Profibus to appc187 (Profibus address 02) Location * EX.2.0...
Types of Executables This table shows the different executables used at HITRAP and the compiled classes as well as the nodes the executables are running on. Exe...
Projects Using CS The following links are pointing to project specific control system documentation. Active Projects Control Systems in Production or in Commiss...
r25 - 2013-03-18 - 10:15 by YulinTian
Oct 2005 1670 53 5 429 WebHome 127 WebChanges 122 WebPreferences 102 WebTopicList 102 WebNotify 100 WebSearch 67 CsDocMain ...
Number of topics: 17

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