Backlinks to TimingSystemNodesReleaseR1 in TOS/Timing Web (Search all webs)

Results from TOS/Timing web retrieved at 02:58 (Local)

EXPLODER2C (Release R1) The EXPLODER2C is a carrier board for a stand alone device based on an ArriaII FGPA. It can be White Rabbit enabled using the WREX1 add on...
r14 - 2014-07-17 - 10:24 by dbeck
PEXARIA5 (Release R1) The PEXIARA5A is a PCIe carrier board based on an ArriaV FPGA. It can be White Rabbit enabled using a WREX1 add on board. I/O are implemente...
r16 - 2014-07-15 - 16:52 by dbeck
SCU2 (Release R1) The SCU (Scalable Control Unit) is the standard front end controller used by the CSCO group based on an ArriaII FPGA. It can be White Rabbit ena...
r3 - 2014-07-15 - 16:56 by dbeck
Releases and Snapshots of the Timing System Release A Timing Firmware Release packs together new features and requirements defined in our Development Road Map, ...
r26 - 2020-09-30 - 11:37 by dbeck
Number of topics: 4
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