How-To: LM32 Soft-CPU - Send a Command to a LM32 Soft-CPU


This how-to demonstrates how to send a command to LM32 Soft-CPU. This how-to demonstrates the poor man's solution via shared memory.

Checkout the example contained in .../bel_projects/modules/lm32-example/example.c .

Inspect Code

lxpc1234:/opt/GITSCC/bel_projects/modules/lm32-example> emacs example.c //use your favourite editor

  1. use eb-console to inspect output of printf() statements. Pay attention to "external WB address(es" that can be used to communicate with the LM32 Soft-CPU from the host system (or from other Wishbone devices on the same SoC).
  2. on the host system: use eb-read to read the value of the counter
  3. on the host system" use eb-write to write a value to the command register

-- DietrichBeck - 13 Mar 2017

This topic: TOS/Timing > WebHome > TimingSystemDocumentation > TimingSystemHowTo > TimingSystemHowSoftCPULM32Command
Topic revision: 2017-03-28, dbeck
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