How-To: eb-console

Set a static IP

Timing receivers not connected to a bootp server require a static IP for full operation. This is to be set via the eb-console interface

Interactive Version

Open an eb-console link to the timing receiver device, e.g.
eb-console dev/wbm0

If eb-console shows the WR status page, press Esc. In the CLI, type

replacing with the desired IPv4 of your device, e.g. ''. Press Ctrl+C to quit.

Scripted Version

Setting a static IP can also be done non-interactive using the following command sequence, which is useful for startup scripts:
echo -n -e '\rip set <YOUR STATIC IP>\r\r' | eb-console dev/wbm0

-- MathiasKreider - 24 Mar 2022

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Topic revision: 2022-03-24, mkreider
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