Backlinks to TimingSystemHowConfigureWRUniPZ in TOS/Timing Web (Search all webs)

Results from TOS/Timing web retrieved at 07:58 (Local)

Report: Latency and Loss of Timing Messages in the Timing System Introduction Starting in October 2019 the ECA Tap module was added to the gateware of a few dedi...
r8 - 2019-12-27 - 12:46 by dbeck
Booster Test December 2021 TL;DR For 'booster mode': * timing the beam transfer from UNILAC to SIS18 works with ~98% efficiency, if rf conditioning at UNILAC ...
r6 - 2022-01-13 - 10:04 by dbeck
How To: saft uni Introduction This tool is intended to diagnose UNILAC operation. This tool is experimental! The standard tool saft ctl can of course be used. Ho...
r4 - 2023-10-27 - 10:21 by dbeck
HOW TOs This is just a unrevised collection. The purpose is to write down some things, before we forget them... Timing System The recommended official interface ...
"wr unipz" is a component of the MIL based UNILAC 'Pulszentrale' (UNIPZ). As a field bus, it does not use the MIL 'Event' bus but a White Rabbit network. Logicall...
Number of topics: 5
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