Simple API For Timing (SaftLib) Simple API For Timing (SAFT). The design and implementation of SaftLib is a major project. Introduction The key features SaftLib ...
Enigma Release (DEPRECATED) Previous releases are Asterisk, Balloon, Cherry and Doomsday. This release has been replaced by release Fallout. New Features and Bu...
Fallout Release Previous releases are Asterisk, Balloon, Cherry, Doomsday and Enigma New features and bug fixes in Fallout Release * 2020 Aug 31: v6.0.0 alph...
Timing Receiver: Usage For using a Timing Receiver (TR) please follow the directions here. What is Needed * TR hardware, see here what is supported by the cur...
How To: eb fwload Introduction This tool has been written to ease software development form lm32 Soft Cores. It allows to upload firmware to one or more Soft Cor...
How To: Installation of a Timing Receiver THIS HOWTO IS DEPRECATED Introduction Installation of a timing receivers should be easy and straight forward. The phy...
How To: Setting Up a Linux Box Intended usage: E Release For older releases please check out the history of this Wiki page. Introduction This how to describes se...
How To: LM32 Soft CPU Introduction Soft CPUs are a VDHL implementation of a CPU in a FPGA. With FAIR Timing Receivers, Soft CPUs are directly embedded in the Wis...
HOW TOs This is just a unrevised collection. The purpose is to write down some things, before we forget them... Timing System The recommended official interface ...
Timing Messages: How To test the ECA queue from LM32 Soft CPU and PC Introduction The specified ECA queue is used to storage timing events filtered by eventID. T...
How to Build and Deploy the Timing Run Time Environment THIS HOWTO IS DEPRECATED The documentation here describes a version of the script that has never been pu...
Snapshot "January 2016" The intention of this snapshot is twofold. First, to make improvement of White Rabbit available at GSI. Second, to provide again a consist...