Gateware and Firmware
Gateware and firmware are provided with releases.
- Gateware: synthesized (V)HDL code
- Firmware: compiled code for the lm32 soft-CPU embedded in the gateware
Wishbone Bus Topology
The following figure shows the topology of the
Enigma release.
Figure: Wishbone Bus Topology (see 'Attachments' for higher resolution). Shown are Wishbone crossbars (yellow ovals), masters (green diamonds) and slaves (gray rectangles). Arrows show Wishbone connections to slaves (black) and crossbar interconnects (red). MSI connections are shown in blue arrows.
I/O Connections
The following figures shows how I/Os are connected to various gateware components (~ Enigma release)
Figure: I/O connections.
DietrichBeck - 30 Sep 2020