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Results from SIS100BD web retrieved at 10:59 (Local)

Main Quadrupole Magnets, rms random error amplitudes: * d(b2)=24e 4, which corresponds to dK1n=5.17e 4(1/m2) * d(a2)=20e 4, which corresponds to dK1s=4.3e 4...
Reports related to the SIS100 Beam Dynamics * RF manipulations of high intensity hadron beams in SIS100, Y. S.Yuan * Absence of Structure Resonances in SIS1...
Machine Advisory Committee MAC Homepage Talks related to SIS100 Beam Dynamics * MAC21 May 2019. SIS100 beam dynamics and transverse feedback, V.Kornilov. Slid...
p 4 GeV Slip factor eta=–0.0234 Vrf=66kV delp_rms=1.1e 3 h=10 fs=195 Hz Qx=10.3 Qy=10.4 Particle number per bunch Np=5e12=2e13/4 Bunch length (4sigma) = 24.9...
SIS100 machine data and beam parameters 1 Nominal U28 bunch 1 Nominal proton bunch 1 Reference model for the main magnets: Dipoles Bn, Quadrupoles Bn, Di...
Main.SabrinaAppel 04 Aug 2016 Simulationscodes The following list contains the codes used for the activities in WP “SIS100 Beam Dynamics”. Codes Description ...
U28 200 MeV /u Slip factor eta=–0.67 Vrf=58.2kV delp_rms=0.5e 3 h=10 fs=0.703 kHz Qx=18.84 Qy=18.73 Particle number per bunch Np=0.625e11=5e11/8 Bunch lengt...
GSI Wiki's SIS100BD web
%IF{"$WEBSUMMARY = ''" then=" "}% * Project Meetings: Minutes, Slides * WP topics and structure on one slide * Reports * Machine Advisory Committee (...
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
* .WikiGuest * .WikiGuest example #64;
SIS100BD Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #2a90ea * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set to...
" else="GSI Wiki's SIS100BD web"}% /SIS100BD
Number of topics: 19

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Topic revision: 2016-07-12, KatharinaMader
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