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Results from Linux web retrieved at 15:13 (Local)

Deutsche Version Im folgenden werden für verschiedene Mail Programme, die bei GSI verfügbar sind, Methoden zur Mail Verschlüsselung aufgezeigt. Thunderbird Im An...
NEW - 2013-08-14 - 13:00 by UweScholz
Customizing the colors for ls The command line tool ls can be configured to use different colors for different file types, e.g. blue directories or red archive fi...
Configuration Server It is possible to run emacs in client server mode. One way of doing this comfortably is this: 1. set EDITOR to emacsclient c $@ 2. s...
Converting different graphic formats Sometimes one has to convert some graphics to another format, i.e. jpg to ps. * One way is to open the file with an almos...
Access to German special characters on English keyboards If you are working with X and an English keyboard you don't need to copy and paste special characters lik...
Trailing white spaces when copying text When copying text from a Konsole window it may happen that the lines are as long as your terminal line length due to trail...
Optimizations for Firefox, Thunderbird and its relatives Since early 2005, the recommended browser is Mozilla Firefox (called Iceweasel on Debian). Since it is a ...
PDF documents PDF readers Since Adobe's decision to discontinue the Adobe Reader for Linux you'll have to use another tool for viewing PDF files, e.g. * xpdf ...
Mounting USB devices with pmount Usually USB devices are recognized and mounted automatically. If this does not happen, you may use pmount to mount the device man...
Changing the default sort sequence Newer Linux distributions changed the default behaviour for sorting alphanumeric values. The characters are not sorted by their...
Converting different text formats Line endings Sometimes you'll have to transfer plain text files from Linux to other systems like Mac or Windows. For this you'l...
Watch your trash If you're running out of disc space ... Please keep in mind that many applications with graphical user interfaces do not really delete files but ...
Customize the settings for the editor vim The editor vim supports a bunch of useful features. You may activate them during a session or set them as your personal ...
Some useful tips for the XFCE desktop Using Xfce Terminal instead of Konsole Open "Xfce Menu" "Settings" "Preferred Applications", click on tab "Utilities" a...
Xmonad Xmonad is a tiling window manager. See for a description of all the goodies. * The Xmonad desktop is mouse insensitive! It is possibl...
Linux at GSI Contact * The Linux group announces operational issues on status * Important issues are also communicated via the GSI LIN...
Statistics for Linux Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Number of topics: 17

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