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Poster RPC 2010


  • Poster presented at RPC 2010 at GSI, February 9-11
    • RPC-2010 Xth Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and related detectors at GSI, Darmstadt, February 9-12, 2010
  • created by A. Gil
  • edited by P.Zumbruch
  • Title:
    • “Slow Control System for the HADES RPC detector”
  • presented by P.Zumbruch on February 10, 2010



2nd version, chosen

-- PeterZumbruch - 11 Feb 2010

I Attachment Action Size Date WhoSorted descending Comment
POSTER_HADES_SC_RPC2010-version2.odpodp POSTER_HADES_SC_RPC2010-version2.odp manage 3 MB 2010-02-11 - 11:45 PeterZumbruch "GSI" version (odp)
POSTER_HADES_SC_RPC2010-version2.pdfpdf POSTER_HADES_SC_RPC2010-version2.pdf manage 17 MB 2010-02-11 - 16:03 PeterZumbruch "GSI" version (pdf high-res)
POSTER_HADES_SC_RPC2010-version2.pptppt POSTER_HADES_SC_RPC2010-version2.ppt manage 3 MB 2010-02-11 - 11:44 PeterZumbruch "GSI" version (ppt)
POSTER_HADES_SC_RPC2010.pdfpdf POSTER_HADES_SC_RPC2010.pdf manage 12 MB 2010-02-04 - 13:34 PeterZumbruch pdf high-res
POSTER_HADES_SC_RPC2010.pptppt POSTER_HADES_SC_RPC2010.ppt manage 2 MB 2010-02-04 - 13:24 PeterZumbruch ppt
This topic: Epics > PosterRPC2010
Topic revision: 2010-02-11, PeterZumbruch
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