Children of HadCon2MultipurposeControlsApi in Epics Web

Results from Epics web retrieved at 23:28 (Local)

__ Basic Operation Principles The basic operation principle is that * Any device communicates via the USB interface with the μController sending and receiv...
__ Introduction Theoretical limits * The current firmwares (up to 4.6.2) all run at 10 MHz HadCon2 clock and have 115200 kBits/s at the UART with 8...
HadCon2 Protocol Protocol Main.PeterZumbruch 19 Feb 2016
HadCon's and HadCon2's Software for/of Atmel Introduction This topic is used as an insert for HadConMultipurposeControlsApi and HadCon2MultipurposeControlsApi si...
HadCon / HadCon2 Software Repositories Introduction This topic is used as an insert for HadConMultipurposeControlsApi and HadCon2MultipurposeControlsApi since bo...
HadCon Protocol Protocol General CPU Controller The communication consists of short command keywords, e.g. HELP, SEND, SPI, etc, followed by (optiona...
Number of topics: 6
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