Children of HadCon2 in Epics Web

Results from Epics web retrieved at 06:05 (Local)

__ Introduction Cables useful in the world of HadCon2 1 wire 1 wire Temperature Sensor DS18B20 RJ45 OwAdc1 HadCon2 JOWIO RJ45 OwAdc1 Main.Pe...
HadCon 2 Documentation Documentation Technical Documentation of HadCon2 and its components Layout * Schematic (local copy) * top view assembly of...
__ Introduction Projects Waveform Generator FPGA based 1 wire ADC How To Install Main.PeterZumbruch 18 Jul 2013
HadCon2 Introduction Introduction HadCon2 is a credit card sized general purpose I/O module for detector and experiment controls as well as for small data acq...
HadCon2 Modules Defined via unique FTDI ID: /sbin/udevadm info export db grep FTDI grep ID_SERIAL sort uniq HadCon2 Modules, first series Name...
Multi purpose control API implementation on HadCon2 Table of Content (short) Introduction Objective This project's objective is to...
HadCon2 Summary * Summarizing: * Microcontroller: ATMEL AT90CAN128 * I2C * CANbus * SPI * ADCs * ... *...
Number of topics: 7
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