Children of GridMeetings in Grid Web

Results from Grid web retrieved at 16:20 (Local)

Conferences and Meetings in 2005 * DE/CH Federation Meeting at CSCS, June 6 7 2005 room reservation for 155 CHF, booking code "EGEE CSCS" * WLCG SCM,...
Conferences and Meetings in 2006 * pre CHEP workshop, February 10 12, Mumbai/India, Agenda page * SC4 Workshop Summary and Conclusion * sc4 e...
Conferences and Meetings in 2007 * D Grid SonderWorkshop, Montag, 15. 1. 2007, 12 bis 16 Uhr, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Registrierung via Mail an Christian...
Number of topics: 3
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