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Results from DABC web retrieved at 21:58 (Local)

The Data Acquisition Backbone Core (DABC) Design overview Role and functionality of the objects 1. All processing code runs in dabc::Modules. There are two ...
XDAQ run environment classes for DABC We use the XDAQ framework for the general set up and controls of the DABC applications. Natively, XDAQ provides configuratio...
Dim Introduction DIM is a light weight communication protocoll based on publish/subscribe mechanism. Servers publish named services (commands or parameters) to a ...
r4 - 2008-07-16 - 13:00 by HansEssel
Comments to build DIM on Linux Build on Lynx Current version is dim_v19r3 Since DIM version v18 the memory leak in the java interface has been fixed. To build t...
r3 - 2010-08-18 - 18:54 by HansEssel
Java GUI Some Java helps: Hints, internals GUI jar file The jar file of the gui is ...dabc/gui/java/packages/xgui.jar. Setup files There are three setup files u...
r4 - 2010-08-18 - 18:59 by HansEssel
Screen shots of Java GUI Main window with login screen Command tree Parameter table Logger window Displays Histograms Main.H...
r2 - 2007-11-12 - 19:46 by HansEssel
Welcome to the Data Acquisition Backbone Core DABC This is the public Wiki, the official site is News The mission Repository Main.LinevSergey 20 Jul 201...
Jul 2010 1746 0 0 553 WebHome 136 WebChanges 80 DabcUml 71 MbsSupport 62 ABBinDABC 52 DabcProjects 44 EventBuilding 4...
Number of topics: 8
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